<aside> ❌ Hugging Face for Classrooms is no longer active


<aside> 🎓 What is Hugging Face for Classrooms? We provide teachers free ****infrastructure and resources to quickly introduce real-world applications of ML to students and make learning fun and interesting. By creating a classroom for free, teachers turn classes into collaborative environments where students learn, build and share ML-powered applications using open-source technologies and state-of-the-art models.

Find here a video teaching guide on how to get started.


Why should I use Hugging Face for Classrooms?

How can I create my classroom?

How can I onboard students to my classroom?

How can I quickly introduce **🤗 **open-source ML tools to my students?

How can I empower my classroom with more tools & resources?

Can I easily evaluate students’ work?

How can I centralize students’ models/datasets/demos in my classroom?

Can I have privacy in my classroom?

Where can I find free teaching materials?

How can I customize my classroom?

Is Hugging Face for Classrooms free for me and my students?

How can I get support?