<aside> 👋 Welcome!

We’ve assembled a toolkit that university instructors can use to easily prepare labs, homework, or classes. The content is designed in a self-contained way such that it can easily be incorporated into the existing curriculum. This content is free and uses widely known Open Source technologies (transformers, gradio, etc).

Alternatively, you can request for someone on the Hugging Face team to run the tutorials for your class via the ML demo.cratization tour initiative!

Apart from tutorials, we also share other resources to go further into ML or that can assist in designing course content.


🇪🇸 Click here to access the Spanish translated version of the Education Toolkit

Our Tutorials Catalog

1️⃣ A Tour through the Hugging Face Hub

In this tutorial, you get to:

Duration: 20-40 minutes 👉 click here to access the tutorial or 👩‍🏫 the lecture slides

2️⃣ Build and Host Machine Learning Demos with Gradio & Hugging Face

In this tutorial, you get to:

Duration: 20-40 minutes

👉 click here to access the tutorial or 👩‍🏫 the lecture slides

3️⃣ Getting Started with Transformers

In this tutorial, you get to:

This tutorial is based on the first of our O'Reilly book Natural Language Processing with Transformers - check it out if you want to dive deeper into the topic!

Duration: 30-45 minutes

👉 click here to access the tutorial

Other resources to learn your way!

The 🤗 Course

The 🤗 Book

<aside> ✉️ If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]!
