Tasks is a crowd-sourced documentation project built to democratize good machine learning at Hugging Face. Recently, we added example Spaces for each task page that is useful for people to build apps easily and see various use cases for each task. Your Space could be in our documentation too! In this short guide, we explain how. šŸŒŒāœØ


Go to the GitHub repository where our documentation lives. In tasks/src you will see a dedicated folder for each task. In each tasksā€™ folder, you can see two files: about.md and data.ts. Below is what each task page contains.


Since Spaces are defined in data.ts, we will only edit that. Take this pageā€™s data.ts for example. You will see a section for spaces like below. You only need to open a pull request (if you donā€™t know how to, just be patient!) adding a dictionary with your Spaceā€™s ID and a short description for your Space.

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šŸŒŸĀ Note: Itā€™s best if your Space would be something generic, fun, or a industry specific use case. If youā€™re not sure if your Space fits the documentation, feel free to still open the PR or ping us on Discord and we can discuss!

šŸ™Ā If youā€™ve never made a contribution in GitHub, weā€™ve written this guide on how to open a Pull Request. You can reach out to us on hf.co/discord in case you run into any issues. We hope to see you at Hub Docs!